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Welcome to my on-line teaching portfolio. I am an Assistant lecturer at the Institute of Art & Design at the Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology – MCAST. This portfolio is an overview of professional development and competence in my various areas of teaching and contains descriptions of my teaching accomplishments and strengths. Since I have only one year of teaching experience, besides teaching pottery as a hobby for over 10 years, my teaching portfolio is not too exhaustive, yet I am hoping that you will find the information and work displayed interesting.

Self Reflection

As a relatively new teacher, I feel that I have so much to learn - it is a continuously evolving process. Different students and different units will present different challenges. Our job as teachers does not start with lesson delivery and end with the hand-in and correction of the tasks. Evaluation is not only done by the students, but more importantly by the pedagogue or andragogue. Amongst other things, we are to reflect on our performance as teachers, on any personal experiences which might have happened, our progress as teachers and our strengths and potentials for further development in the future.
Becoming a reflective teacher is not easy but keeping a reflective journal, with writings on classroom experiences, teaching methods, evaluation of my teaching sessions and my performance as a teacher, has helped me develop my skills and ability to deliver more successfully and have started finding  teaching a much rewarding role.
Who said teaching was easy? There is more to a teacher than passing on knowledge, information and understanding to students about a particular topic. The teacher is liberator, facilitator, mentor, assessor, and is a role model for his or her students.

“The move to a more student-centred view of learning has required a fundamental shift in the role of the teacher. No longer is the teacher seen predominantly as a dispenser of information or walking tape recorder, but rather as a facilitator or manager of the students’ learning. The introduction of problem-based learning with a consequent fundamental change in the student-teacher relationship has highlighted this change in the role of the teacher from one of information provider to one of facilitator.”
            (Published in Medical Teacher (2000) 22, 4, pp 334-347)