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Welcome to my on-line teaching portfolio. I am an Assistant lecturer at the Institute of Art & Design at the Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology – MCAST. This portfolio is an overview of professional development and competence in my various areas of teaching and contains descriptions of my teaching accomplishments and strengths. Since I have only one year of teaching experience, besides teaching pottery as a hobby for over 10 years, my teaching portfolio is not too exhaustive, yet I am hoping that you will find the information and work displayed interesting.

My Future Plans

As a lecturer, I am still in the very beginning of my career. My intention is to continue developing myself, both in terms of knowledge and in terms of expertise and experience. I intend to keep my private practice as an interior designer so that I can keep up with current trends and to use this experience to guide my students better.

I look forward to any opportunity to learn more, such as the courses that I will be following in Cinema 4D (a computer software) and 3D printing offered by MCAST. I am also hoping to increase my contact and work more closely with the people in the workshops at our Institute. It is my intention to learn more about the various techniques in the different workshops, possibly through part time courses. This will hopefully result in better team work and better guidance for the students.

Whilst the Post-Graduate Certificate in Vocational Education and Training is helping me develop my teaching skills and techniques, I am hoping in the near future to read for a Masters Degree in Interior Design or possibly product design. I would also like to upgrade my skills in 3D Studio MAX so that I can better help my students in their final presentations.

From a pedagogical perspective, I am definitely interested in building on the skills gained during the Post-Graduate Certificate in Vocational Education and Training and progress to read for a Masters in Education.